Your community to learn German fast and efficiently!

German courses and Grammar drills are not enough? Berlin Connection provides you with the right tools to achieve both fluency and competence in communicating in German

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What do I get in the conversation classes?
  • Regular speaking practice with people of your German level

  • Guidance and personal feedback from a German teacher

  • A supportive environment where it is ok to make mistakes

  • New carefully selected topics and vocabulary in each class for inspiring conversation

  • Improved fluency, confidence and competence in speaking about a variety of topics

How do the conversation classes work?

Classes taking place on zoom for an optimal learning experience

You will get to speak in several small groups with a maximum of 4 people each

All the times are Central European Time (Berlin)





Conversations classes do not take place on the public holidays of the federal state of Berlin

Become a member


With the Berlin Connection Podcast you can train your listening comprehension with an interesting variety of topics revolving around German culture, pop culture and everyday life in Berlin. The worksheets include a transcript and vocabulary notes. New episodes air twice per week.



What do I get in the forum?
  • In the channel #tägliche-konversation you get daily writing prompts to write a few lines of your own

  • You will get more comfortable and effortless in written communication

  • Stay in touch with the people you met in the conversation classes

  • Get to know new people with the same goals and interests as you

  • Get access to a variety of videos, links, posts and memes revolving around German culture and language

  • The channel is moderated by a German teacher

How does the forum work?

We use the Slack platform for the forum

The Forum is the place for interactions in German as well as your starting point to learning resources and the conversation classes

Become a member


Hello, I am Nadine! I am a Swiss native living in Berlin. I’m a certified teacher and I’ve been teaching private and corporate classes, as well as conversation groups for 5+ years. Over the years I heard many of my students say that they don’t get a chance to practice speaking German—even though they live in Germany! In my conversation classes, podcasts and forum interactions I strive to teach authentic German to equip my students with the ability to speak to and understand Germans in real life situations. With Berlin Connection I am excited to have created a platform which offers German learners the right tools to achieve both confidence and competence in German communication.



“ I am very satisfied with my experience with Berlin-Connection. I have taken private German instruction with a tutor for over 2 years. Within 2 months of participation in the Berlin-Connection group discussions and the online forum, my spoken and written German improved immensely. Berlin-Connection is a great supplement to German instruction, because it provides the opportunity to practice writing, speaking and reading in a controlled setting. The discussion groups are very effective because the topics mirror the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), and the discussion is monitored by a German instructor. Participants are placed in the correct language levels. Many of the participants live in Germany and have advanced German skills. I am impressed with the language level of the participants. Seeing their strengths, enables me to find and work on my weaknesses. I highly recommend Berlin-Connection. ”

Vanessa R.

“ Nach dem B2 Kurs hatte ich noch das Gefühl, dass ich noch nicht fließend sprechen kann. Leider gibt es wegen Corona nur wenig Kontakt mit anderen, von daher gibt es kaum die Gelegenheit, mit anderen zu sprechen. Schon seit lange habe ich nach einem Kurs gesucht, wo ich mehr Möglichkeiten zu sprechen und schreiben habe und zum Glück habe Nadine gefunden. Damals hatte ich tausende Fragen zu Berlin Connection und Nadine war sehr nett und hat geduldig alle meine Fragen beantwortet. Bei Nadine (virtuell :D) haben wir jeden Tag ein Thema, über das wir schreiben und damit lernen, wie wir unsere Meinungen richtig äußern können. Jeden Tag soll man ein paar Sätze schreiben und mit diesen kleinen Schritten konnte ich meine Sprachkenntnisse verbessern. Fürs Sprechen treffen wir uns und diskutieren über verschiedenen Themen. Diese Themen werden von Nadine ausgewählt und sie stellt uns Fragen dazu. Sie sind immer interessant und gut strukturiert. Während des Gesprächs werden wir von Nadine korrigiert, diese Korrekturen finde ich sehr praktisch, sie lehrt uns auch die richtigen Wörter zu jedem Thema und manchmal gibt es auch Konversation über deutsche Kultur. Bei uns in der Gruppe sprechen wir auch manchmal über unseren Alltag, Kultur und etc. Diese finde ich besonders schön, da man neue Leute kennenlernt und jeden Tag mit denen in Kontakt bleibt. Außerdem kann man in einem “Short Story Club” teilnehmen, wo man über eine Kurzgeschichte diskutiert. Kurz gesagt: ich kann nur Berlin Connection empfehlen, da findet man alles, was in einem normalen Sprachkurs fehlt. ”

Atiyeh Mahmoudi

“ Obwohl ich in Deutschland wohne, habe ich wenig Möglichkeiten genug Deutsch zu sprechen. Berlin Connection gibt mir die Möglichkeit jede Woche Deutsch zu sprechen. 5 mal pro Woche kann ich andere Leute auf dem gleichen Deutsch Level treffen und über sehr interessante Themen sprechen. Dazu bekommen wir auch viele Korrekturen. Es macht viel Spaß und hilft uns fließend zu sprechen. Ich empfehle es sehr. ”


“ Ich freue mich sehr über Berlin Connection. Es ist wunderbar, die Möglichkeit zu haben, Deutsch in einer freundlichen Umgebung zu üben. Das von Nadine initiierte Konversationsprogramm für die Teilnehmer, um ihr Deutsch zu üben, hat für mich zwei große und wichtige Probleme gelöst. Für mich hat dieses Programm nicht nur die Möglichkeit geschaffen, Deutsch zu sprechen, sondern es hat mir auch geholfen, die Angst vor dem Sprechen vor mehreren Leuten loszuwerden. Die vielfältigen und interessanten Themen, die relevanten Vorschläge und das schnelle Feedback haben mir geholfen, mein Deutsch Niveau schnell zu verbessern. Aus meiner Sicht bietet dieses Programm eine perfekte Kombination aus Schreiben, Sprechen und Wortschatzaufbau. Ich liebe den Short Story Club, was für eine tolle Idee, Literatur mit Vokabeltraining zu verbinden. Nicht zuletzt bin ich froh, Teil dieser Gemeinschaft zu sein, die aus Menschen aus verschiedenen Teilen der Welt mit unterschiedlichen beruflichen Hintergründen und Lebenserfahrungen besteht, die aber durch den Wunsch vereint sind, ihr Deutsch zu verbessern. ”

Alexandra C.

“ Ich finde es sehr hilfreich und interessant, was Berlin Connection anbietet. Man kann je nach Bedarf seinen Schwerpunkt auf Hören, Sprechen oder Schreiben setzen. Die Termine für die Konversationsgruppe finden pünktlich statt und sind gut organisiert. Bisher ist kein Termin ausgefallen. Ich finde die Themen praktisch und vielfältig. Am besten finde ich den Short Story Club, in dem man mehr als nur eine Sprache lernt. ”

Kshitija B.

“ Nadines Deutschkurs bietet umfangreiche Übungen, damit man Schreiben, Lesen, und Konversation verbessern kann. Es gibt Schreibübungen im tägliche-konversation Forum, Verbesserung für Lesen und Wortschatz im Short-Story-Club und Konversation beim Zoom-Treffen. Ich habe meinen Ausdruck durch die Zoom Meetings verbessert. Die Redewendungen, die es bei den Diskussionsthemen gibt, sind sehr praktisch. Der Austausch mit anderen Teilnehmern sind aufregend und ermutigend und erzeugt das Gefühl, dass wir einander helfen. Die Themen im Forum sind faszinierend. Die Short Storys und das Posting von anderen Teilnehmern reichern meinen Wortschatz an. Ich finde die Podcasts und die Übung auch sehr hilfreich, ich habe viel über deutsche Literatur und Kultur gelernt. Zudem gibt es immer tolle Geschichten. ”

Kathy C.

“ Die Konversationsgruppen bieten mir ausgezeichnete lustige und auch ernste Momente während des Gedankenaustausches in den Gruppenräumen. Nadine sorgt dafür, dass die Teilnehmer von drei bis vier Teilnehmern ungefähr auf dem gleichen Niveau sind. Sie hilft den Konversationen mit Fragen und sie verbessert sie mit den richtigen Ausdrücken und Vokabeln, wenn sie die Gruppenräume besucht. Es ist auch hilfreich, dass Nadine das zu besprechende Thema eines Treffens hochlädt, damit man sich vorbereiten kann. Die täglichen Schreibübungen machen mir echt Spaß. Ich finde die Fragen relevant, aktuell, interessant und einfach so inspirierend, dass ich immer darauf immer reagieren muss. Die sorgfältigen Korrekturen von Nadine sind dann am nächsten Tag einfach in einem Google Doc erhältlich. Diese Möglichkeiten zur Stellungnahme ist eine tolle Gelegenheit, meine schriftliche Ausdrucksweise auf Deutsch zu pflegen. Die Podcasts sind alle sehr interessant, und sie sind recht sorgfältig entworfen: sie helfen die Aussprache zu verbessern, den Wortschatz zu erweitern, und etwas über die deutsche Kultur und Gesellschaft zu lernen. Dank des Transkripts und der Quiz Funktion bieten sie ein ausgezeichnetes Mittel zum selbstständigen Lernen. Nadine hat mich gleich am Anfang in einige „Channels“ eingeschrieben. Sie sind wirklich hilfreich für die Beziehung mit Nadine und den anderen Teilnehmern, und ich erfahre gute Ratschläge, Ideen und Neuigkeiten bezüglich der deutschen Kultur und dem heutigen Leben in deutschsprachigen Ländern. Meine technischen Fragen, bzw. Bitten zum Abonnement wurden fast sofort beantwortet, und sie wurden schnell, auf eine positive und befriedigende Weise gelöst. ”

Eva H.

“Nadine is an exceptional teacher and a naturally great conversation partner, and that in multiple languages. I was impressed by how she strives to maintain a lively atmosphere throughout the learning session and is still able to engage students of different language skill levels, helping everyone to be gradually better than before. As I was learning B2 level in the German language, I could see how she broke down concepts with simple examples and everything seemed easier and more interesting then. So, I will surely recommend her classes for those who feel that learning and speaking German after a certain level is 'hard'.”

Varun Grover

Operations Manager at Coup Mobility
“ I first was taught German by Nadine at a corporate class for a former employer and that was when my German skills finally really started to take off! I loved her classes so much that even after I've left the company, I have continued to take a class with her privately to help bolster in addition to my new corporate classes (unfortunately, with someone other than Nadine). She's super approachable and her English skills are top. I've had other German instructors whom I think learned more English in our classes than we learned German... but not with Nadine! I have and will continue to recommend her to anyone looking to learn German.”

Justin Powell

“ Nadines Hilfe mit dem Erlernen der deutschen Sprache hat sich als enorm erfolgreich erwiesen. Mit ihren Meetups habe ich einfach und schnell die Grundlagen gelernt; Danach habe ich dank ihres Privatunterrichts eine gründliche Kenntnis entwickelt, die mir erlaubt hat, meine Arbeitsbedingungen zu verbessern. Danke Naddie ❤️ ”

Gabrio Manocchio

“ Nadine ist the best Deutsch Lehrerin! When I first moved to Germany my german was very poor. I started a new job as a pharmacist, so you can imagine how stressful it was not being able to communicate properly in German. I was very lucky that I found Nadine, who helped me a lot with improving my language skills very quickly. The lessons were always very interesting and well organised. Nadine provided me with a lot of helpful materials and also always motivated me to learn new vocabulary and practice grammar. Lessons with Nadine gave me a lot of confidence in speaking, listening and writing. All my colleagues at work were very impressed and noticed very quickly, that my German improved so much. After one year I decided to take the German C1 Goethe Exam, which thanks to Nadine I passed with no problems with a high score. Later on, when I was looking for a new job, Nadine also helped me with my Lebenslauf and preparing for job interviews. I highly recommend Nadine to anyone who just started the journey with German and also to those, whose level is more advanced but would like to improve their language skills. ”

Karolina Fredheim

“ Nadine brings to her classes not only language and cultural knowledge but also knows how to engage her students in learning with charisma and the experience of someone who loves to learn new languages and cultures. Her work as a teacher has enabled me to integrate myself into this new society and learn more about where I am living today. ”

Cleiton Schönardie

Software Developer
“ Nadine is a great teacher. She is ultra patient, dedicated and very clear while explaining things. I think her deep knowledge of other languages like English, Spanish and French gives her a wide perspective for explaining German to other cultures, which makes things easier to understand. I totally recommend her. ”

Lucas Dima

“ I have been studying with Nadine for about three months and I find her a very knowledgeable and patient teacher. There is a lot of fun variety to her teaching, so it never feels like a chore. She's very good at assessing the skill level of her students and quickly adapting her teaching to match. I find her lessons to be a safe space where it is OK to make mistakes, which is great for building confidence. ”

Marit Hartveit

Data Scientist at
“ Nadine gave me personal lessons and was always on time, professional, and prepared. During our lessons, she would write down notes on areas for me to practice later and also type up the new vocab into Quizlet decks for me to study. She really goes the extra mile, is very patient, and also very knowledgeable about languages generally. I often and highly recommend her to colleagues and friends who want support with their German at whatever level. ”

Amanda P.

“ I've been part of one of Nadine's German classes now for 10 months and they are a part of my week that I look forward to. Since beginning with a very basic level of German I'm now just venturing into B1 which is definitely a challenge! I really enjoy that we often spend a class going 'off-topic' and just talking about something interesting that may have happened. The friendly and lighthearted atmosphere of the class really encourages me to try and not be afraid of making mistakes. I find this a much more interesting and productive way to learn the language as opposed to just working through a textbook. I really couldn't recommend Nadine highly enough, here patience and friendly demeanor make classes with her stress-free and really fun. ”

Max Alderson

“ I met Nadine at one of the language meetups that she used to organize and conduct. From the first moment, she made on me an impression of a well-organized, professional and experienced teacher with an ability to engage people to learn. For this reason, I decided to start private tuition with her. Nadine brings her lively and curious personality into her teaching style and it makes her lessons always fresh and engaging. My priority was to improve my speaking skills and she easily adjusted the program to my needs, constantly coming up with suggestions and tips on how to speed up my learning process. We had been working together for over a year and after that period I've noticed a significant improvement in my German. With an informal atmosphere of our conversations, it was like meeting a friend who, with great results, uses all her knowledge, experience and resources to help you master this difficult language. ”

Angelina Podlesna

“ Modern approach to teaching and perfectly works with students of different levels even if they are in the same group, interesting lessons about casual and specific themes. ”

Yuriy Khabarov

Software developer at
“ Nadine is a great teacher: She is patient, understanding and soft-spoken. Nadine takes the time to help each student and let them grow at their own pace. If you are not confident in your German skills and feel uneasy to speak with a native, Nadine is the perfect person for you :) I've been attending quite a lot of courses now, and I can say that I'm not scared to practice, even if I'm not fluent (yet!) ”

Agathe Badia

“ I attended A2 German lessons by Nadine in 2019 and I liked the experience. She's a competent, knowledgeable and creative teacher, always ready to explain things, even for not the brightest students like me. The atmosphere in the class was always pleasant and not stressful, but motivating at the same time. ”

Nikita Makeev

“ I had private group classes with Nadine and I think she was very flexible, we were four people with different levels of German and different weekly schedules. Other than that, the classes were very chill and there were good exercises to help us practice our pronunciation and speaking more, she also made custom flashcards for us to review anything new we had learned during the previous classes, which were very useful. ”

Guilherme G. Pasqualino

“ After taking multiple German language group courses at various language schools, I switched over to doing private lessons with Nadine. I was able to progress much quicker this way while spending less time in classes, as Nadine focused the classes on what I needed the most work on and gave me exercises and homework that were suited to my needs. Nadine is very patient and calm which made me feel comfortable practicing with her. She speaks at a pace that helps you follow while still challenging your listening and comprehension. We always spoke in German except when I was having a difficult time understanding a new grammar concept and then Nadine would explain the concept in English, allowing me to quickly and more thoroughly understand it. This is something that language schools often won’t do and for me that meant that there were sometimes concepts I did not understand before the class continued to progress. I highly recommend private classes with Nadine if you have a busy schedule and want to progress quicker. ”

Lauren Yochim

“ Berlin Connection is a very cool and unique place, where people from all over the world have the opportunity to learn German together with fun and intelligent teachers. What special I have discovered about the platform is that it is hard to get bored while learning there. There are all types of learning materials and for all types of interests. The teachers create a cozy atmosphere for collaboration between the students, which they actively use. The exercise topics always cover up-to-date themes, so you will be able to use learned vocabulary in the modern world. So say goodbye to old boring books and overused learning themes, Berlin Connection brings learning to the new level ;) ”

Indis Yeromina

Software Developer


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